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Numerius Felix
Player ID: 164714
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 44
Energetic immunity : 41
Trade sense : 21
Briskness : 33
Initiative : 7
Defence : 43
Attack : 128
Power : 50
Luck : 14
Volition : 21
Experimentalism : 0
Principle of Syntropy = 368
Darkness Principle = 693
Transposition Principle = 926
Principle of Enthropy = 225
Principle of Light = 234
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Battle stats
Won: 452 | Lost: 517
Honor: 2225
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I do not need anything from you.

To Do List:
Lingual Decalibrator
Parrot Curse
Clickable Combat



Year 7, day 167, 10 AM EST (original ~3 AM EST, here omitted, check forum)

To Ignore the Sun


Rain forgotten with dawn

as shadows welcome the bright flood.

Fallen on their graves

eyes and breath of dead

in daytime must freeze

against faces of men:

lonely now lost,

needy now blind,

causeless their hope.

Fall soon please again, night of great beauty. 

And let this heart break its visageal tomb.


Come child! with light for now gone

-- which means --

for us now no reason to hide.

Raise me to dance, forgotten boy

raise me with moony warmth

till bright oldness compelled by sun

drops our shadows from sea back to earth.


Year 7, day 1:  I met Mr. Ackshan last year.  Very nice blobby thing.  Awesome.

An extensive nap ensued.  Much changed.

The Cave Dwellers

We prey on limits.

We tear through the niches and cracks of nothingness

And grow the tiniest scratches into canyons.  

Through them sweep sheenless dreams

The roots of everything, 

Flowing everywhere.

When we feed on the void, reality blooms forth.

When reality  is forgotten, we devour it.

Marvels tear through.  

You rend through marvels, 

And we take them too.

Making room

For miracles.

The void feeds us,

Wonder feeds you.

What are your 'inventions' ?

Your 'arts' ?

They are what remains

When we ravage your hollow minds.

What are your inventors and thinkers?

They are the ones for whom

We show no mercy.

We are shades, the liberators of miracles.

We prey on stagnancy; we open space 

For novelty.

We fill your empty heads

With dreams.

We deliver you from the light of the stars

The collapse

I threw myself, hurtling, out of the dark cave
Where I had been hiding, imagining flights
And asking questions about a strange world.

There outside the cave, I found a set of books
Each striving to fill my brain, to prevent
Any other book from reaching in.
But I wouldn't have it.  I kept them all out.
I kept their knowledge where it was, and
I opened them when I needed to.

And what seemed like hours became days,
And what seemed like days became months.
As I became filled with the knowledge
Of what each book could tell me
And of nothing else.

One day, I grew bored of the books
And descended back into the cave.


Writings from before the collapse
I float and I join the Air,
I follow the tides of the wind,
Floating over gates,
And floating through.
Catching stray pages and thoughts,
Old and new.
I throw my concerns to the earth below,
Not caring where they might fall.
Perhaps I might dive
With intent to land,
And carry you away.

I have been called Minty.
Mints are wonderful plants.
They occlude pain
Calming upset bodies.
Most of the work of the mint is in the mind,
Yet it has powerful effects,
Dangerous effects.
Calm is powerful,

The cave shimmers with black moss,
Warm air blows from its depths.
The life that thrives within
Could as easily be you
As it could be the creepers
That spread its length.

--Former personal page text, caused me a big fright on Year 8, Day 17, around 4 in the morning.:

 On entering into this world, I saw a beautiful light.  At first, I believed the light to be the light of hope.  But as I approached, the illusion faded.

 The light was pure beauty.  Beauty without hope.  Inside it was grace, and power, and knowledge, and a new tool-a new and elegant way to represent the world.

Thus, I was introduced to numbers for the first time.

But also, I kept the beauty-the beauty without hope.  I stowed it in my mind forever, focusing on the beauty of what's here and now, and not hoping.

--School shootings.

The blood of the fallen is scattered. 
 It calls from the hearts of students and a teacher standing in the schoolyard. 
 It screams from the tiles and from the ground beneath. 
It burns in the eyes of a country.

The eyes of the fallen are closed now.
They do not see what a witness saw and they fail to take in the schoolyard.
They stare back at the years woven, the parents who made them.
A pluck broke the strings, strings of time
The tiles clean, the soil hidden from view.

Under the yard where hopers breathe abandoners air
voices from above shout all mistakes and breaking human mind.
There isn't any music.

Buried in metal that is witness to nothing
And it all seems so simple, a world displaced from a world
or an item moved from a store shelf
a lie transferred, hand to hand
and the soil ironed with a sprinkler.
Falling lead, the sound of nothing



Remove yourself from the magicduel forums, then post on the forum proving for the rest of us how painful the experience was.

You may remove yourself whenever and for as long as you feel appropriate, making whatever preparations you consider appropriate to insure that you instigate pain.

However, at some time after the experience, you must post your proof of pain on the forum. (Include this in your entry.)



Will be based on polls and public response:

Opinion polls -- Unusual scores will receive additional prizes.

Categories: sympathy and schadenfreude. 

Verification -- 

Various measures are being taken against hoaxes. Contestants found to be lying in their entry will probably not be rewarded. If you wish to assist me in this part of judgement, send a forum PM.

Page 37 - Gjinja the Chronicler
At the warm candle light Gjinja starts to write the legend of the current events ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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